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Food traditionnel

The 12 rules for training yor dog

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Good morning all! And hello to you mastersYou will discover how to understand how to train and educate your dog. I present my dogs to you. Daska my Australian shepherdess, kisses
my 8-year-old australian shepherdess, and Drogon my shepherd
two and a half-year-old German. I am an educator and I want to share with you my passion and my advice so do not hesitate to put 
blue papatte to educate and train your dog.

viewing and feel free to share this video to anyone you know who has a dog and needsIn dogs, there are what are called
privileges or prerogatives of dominance that will determine who is the leader and who is not. This video will be divided into
four parts to explain to you what is important for your dog and especially what are behaviors
you should have and what mistakes to avoid. Here we go!! First prerogative
of dominance. The first prerogative of dominance is at mealtimes with your dog.

Indeed dogs, have a different way of functioning from ours and it is a privilege for them to have access to food.
The leader will therefore have access to food first, which is why you should take care of yourself first in this case.
you eat first and then your dog but that's not all dogs don't just eat
the first to become the leaders besides the dogs will seek to
watch others. In this case, that's why the place where your dog will have his bowl is important
the errors to avoid are as follows:
to apply my advice
the mistake

number 1: is to feed your dog first
but mistake number two: it's feeding your dog in a room where he can see you, whether in the
living room in the middle and just being able to turn around for your dog is not good, because in dogs
the one who eats first and the one who observes the others and the one who goes leading and
lead or dominate. It is therefore important to put
the bowl in a place where your dog may not see you behind the kitchen bar
perhaps in another room in the hall, in the garage or the garden or on
your balcony. Once your dog eats he is
important to have access to its bowl, and to be able to stroke it, but the kibbles in it, take the bowl away from it, put it back and especially teach it to
not necessarily
rush on it. A simple exercise is to put the bowl down if your dog takes it right away without you having given him the order.
it will suffice to raise it and repeat this exercise several times. Once you have left the bowl it is
important to leave the bowl not at will or at
available but for a time divided: for 20 minutes your dog may have to eat because it is you
who decides when to eat or not, in this case in dogs
the one who directs the leader is the one who has access and who controls the resources.

It is therefore important
to let your dog eat for 20 minutes at the end of the 20 minutes that your dog has finished eating or not, you
collect the bowl, empty it in the bag of dry food, and rest
the empty bowl. This will teach your dog to eat when you ask him and above all, it will allow your dog to eat.
identifies as the leader. No need to use force, no need to scream, no need to be violent to train your dog.
When it's time to eat
for you, your dog must not be nearby
of your meal. As you have understood, what is important for your dog is who has access to food?
You must eat first so your dog should not be next to you when you eat but your dog should be
to the basket. It's a little bit like
if you eat and your guests are going to bite you on your plate, they will help themselves directly to your home. There are rules and
a framework to be put in place.

So when I eat I don't want to have my dogs next to me because they must understand that when I eat it is me who eats first and that they leave me alone.
Go the pack to the basket !! What is important to also understand
is that if I move
the food is mine it is my meal and my dogs should not have access to it. If you set up these
simple rules I can put my dogs next to my plate and my dogs will not come and eat it.

Come on .. come on !! I can do it on purpose for example
to put my dog ​​Drogon next to my plate and simply leave, go get a bottle of water or something in my kitchen
and simply come back
quietly. Thanks to these rules my dogs will perceive me as the leader and will therefore understand that
it is, therefore, my meal and not theirs. By the time I finish eating my dogs will be able to have
their meal. So I am eating and let's admit that I come to the end of my meal and that I have finished my meal
where during my meal I will tend to want
give my dog ​​leftovers whether it is a piece of bread whether it is meat whether it is pasta or
vegetables and well I teach my dog ​​bad habits and bad manners. Why? first, I teach him to my dog
to stay next to me at the table. Eventually, my dog ​​will tend to come begging, to come in addition to solicit the guests but above all
thirdly, although in dogs the leader is not necessarily going to share his food during the meal that is a question
preferably if you want to give your dog some leftovers, you can do so but half an hour after your meal and especially not at the time
where you eat. For others, if you don't want to give leftovers which is my case I don't give leftovers to my dogs
and my dogs are doing just as happy because I bring them what is important to them, not what is important to me
And There you go! I have finished eating so it's Daska's turn to eat so if you have several dogs let them eat afterward. Me in
this video I use Daska as an example. It is, therefore, time for his meal, on the other hand, what we do not want and well it is
want to come and give you the bowl and the dog rushes
immediately above, the goal of the game is to have a dog who wants to wait for me to give him the order because it is very important
for them. Daska, forward, eat !! and my dog ​​can come and eat while my dog ​​eats I don't hesitate to come and well
stroke my dog ​​put your hand above the bowl for example to prevent him from eating, take the bowl and put it back
go to eat !! very well, to teach him and although it is also my meal we will say that it is also mine and that
I don't want my dog ​​to develop bad behavior
So that's the prerogative
of dominance at the meal level. The four rules are: 1 your dog will have to eat
after you, 2
your dog will have to eat in another room so that he cannot see you while he eats,
3 your dog must be in the basket
or away from you while eating and 4
avoid giving leftovers or do not give leftovers while you eat but after
your meal.

The second prerogative of dominance is the prerogative at the level of
contacts of games and hugs. Indeed there will be rules
also to set up when it's time for cuddly moments with your dog because your dog will reproduce the same
behaviors he will have
with the other dogs. To be well defined as the leader and you have seen it that one does not need to shout to get excited or
to use force
but the more you will understand your dog, the more you will respect him because you will know what is important to him and the more you will have
a relationship of complicity with your dog. What is the rule of the game
with your dog when two dogs are playing? The rule of the game for them is to know which one
who will be the strongest or who will want
dominate. In this case, it's a little bit the same when you're little or when you're a child, you want to know who is the strongest.
Your dog has what is called a dominance zone, his dominance zone includes the head and the neck
up to the shoulders here. This whole zone is, therefore, the zone which defines either to have access to the zone of dominance in this case I simply want
to become the leader where I am the strongest in a game case that's why the dogs will come and want to pose
one paw, two pasta or even put his head down when he's playing and that's why when you're in the street and you
not know a dog and want to pat it on the head often
dogs will want to growl, show their teeth or try to bite you because they don't want you to have access to their areas
of dominance. In this case and well, your dog will reproduce the same behaviors to want to come and ask for a
paw, two pasta, or even his head on it.
If I teach my dog, Doudou hop, that's it.
To come and climb on me and well that's good because as you come to see it, I am at
the initiative.

 What I don't want is my dog
without that I can ask him will try to have access to me also my same zone of dominance and the same zone of dominance.
And our area of ​​dominance is our head, neck, and shoulders.
This is why very often we have dogs which of course will tend to put their paws down or will have
a tendency to jump on us or outright to want to put their head on our shoulders in human language it is affection but in dog language not
necessarily. Conversely, the leader is the one who will take the initiative.
You can of course ask your dog to hug him so that he has his head on you if you decide, but
if it's your dog who decides it's not good for the relationship and you are teaching him that he can eventually
do what he wants. Then why do we have dogs that when we are sitting on the sofa when we are sitting on a chair
or on an armchair will tend to come and put one paw two paws or even the head here. In my blanket ??
why do you tend to do that? Well, it's very simple,
the dogs since when we are seated cannot have access to our zone of dominance will transcribe it on
our legs. If your dog tends to keep giving you the paw without stopping to put the paw or the head
at the base, it was not for affection in the long term of course
your dog does this to get your attention for a cuddle request it's okay
but you have to be aware of it to know what your dog is doing to you and what it means
this is why either you refuse on the contrary you invite him or you apply the rule of 50/50
a blow yes a blow no to make him understand that it is you who also decides. The last of things
well, that's when you come home from work or you wake up yes,
So it's time for me to leave and I will take the example that I am going I will come back and I will ask
Drogon to jump on me to explain this behavior to you.
Hello Doudou, how are you? Come on! Hop, yes my blanket …
In this example why when we come home from work or when we wake up in the morning our dog will tend to jump on us
we will tend to think at first that it is for affection to attract our attention to have a hug and of course
but first
why do dogs do that? since they cannot necessarily have access to our zone of dominance and therefore
the dogs will try

to climb as high as possible. By putting all these rules of life in place at home, you will see that your dog
will perceive as the leader and then will not have these behaviors. For my part but dogs do not jump on me
on the other hand, they can jump on me when I ask them. What we don’t want
is depriving your dog of contact, affection, cuddling but learning it in the right instructions.
The mistake is having a dog who always asks for you and whom you accept every time. Conversely, the right manual
it’s to accept when you want to refuse when you want it too since you may be at work being on the phone

forced to accept. What I’m going to do you’ll see it’s going to be difficult, Daska, you’re going! I’m just going to ask him to
leave and wait a few seconds and
reverse the steam by taking the initiative at this time: My sweetie, come on!
hop hugs !! at that moment my dog ​​can come and I give him a mega party, but above all
learn and understand well one thing that you need to take the initiative to train your dog most often. Eventually when your dog is
totally educated and obedient. It does not matter anymore but all these rules are important either to start on the right foot.
the education of your dog is then to resume
educating your dog if he doesn’t really obey you. This is my baby …
yes !!

maybe watch television and the same to teach your dog not to jump teach him to jump when you ask him and
refuse when he even jumps on you. Eventually, your dog will have the same behavior
with all the members of your family or the guests at home and it’s still a lot nicer to receive people at
home and to have educated dogs
moreover your friends will tell you and you will be happy and you will be proud of your dogs. Go on my blanket hop!
Say I’m watching TV and Daska my dog ​​is going to come over for a hug.
Let’s say Daska comes on its own, I’ll apply the 50/50 rule. The moment my bitch comes on her own
I’m not

It’s time to play with my dog ​​with a toy or the bowed horns, for example, is my dog ​​will pull and I too will
shoot and for example for x reasons my phone will ring and I will
let go then it is not very serious but in your dog’s head he will say to himself,
I won it is me the strongest. That’s why when we play with a dog each time should be the one who wins in this case your dog is taught that you are the strongest and you don’t need to
shout no need to get upset no need to use force
but these are important rules including how to let go of a dog that does not want to, you will come and put your two hands against the lips
of the dog and simply wait, your dog will start to open his mouth. The important rule is that during the game you must
imperatively be
whoever will win in the end. That is to say that I can play
with Daska, yes sweetie !! and lose lots of times and reward her !! and it’s good honey we replay !! You won but yes sweetie
you won great but in the end, you give.
End of the game, it’s up to me to control let’s say the toy. We finished playing or I throw
go get it,
she plays alone, we stop either, I put away
directly the toy and this is the right way to play
with your dog and above all to educate him to make him obedient and to become the leader gently.
So much for the second

prerogatives of dominance at the level of contacts, in particular hugs and games.
You have seen that at the level of cuddles we also have a dominance zone and the dogs will want to have access to it
the important thing is to refuse when your dog does it on his own and
invite him to do so when you ask him. The object of the game is to make it
obedient when you wonder. The second rule as we have seen teaches your dog to jump on you when you ask him and
refuse when he jumps on you.
Thirdly we can also apply the 50/50 rule if your dog comes, you say no !! you wait a few seconds you ask him to leave
and then you call him for a mega hug we do not want to deprive your dog
but all these rules are important if you have a young puppy or if you
go have a dog or vice versa if you have a dog but it is not obeying properly.
The last of the rules is at the level of toys. You must always be the last to
win to show your dog that it is your toy and that you are the strongest but of course smooth and then
do not hesitate to make your dog play when you want to and not when he wants
systematically. Same rules if your dog comes to play you can say no
collect the toy, wait a few seconds and then go to Daska !! let’s go!! and we are going to play, go look. The game aims to apply these rules and you will see that in a few weeks your dog
will change his behavior and become more obedient and all that to become the leader smoothly

The third prerogative of dominance is the management of the territory
and the territory that includes your home whether it is your apartment or your house in this case each room but also positions
raised like the sofa like beds and armchairs. It should be understood that in dogs
the leader will have access to strategic points
and in dogs, the strategic points
with us are the bedroom, the bed, the sofas, or anything that can be high. Indeed for a dog to be in the height
it means that he is a leader we also have the same in humans those with authority tend to be high.
Take the example if you go to court the judges will tend to be high and at the time it was the same
at school, the teachers were raised. If you put your dog on the couch, it’s okay, but again
let’s apply the right rules.

Say I’m watching TV and like Drogon my dog ​​immediately climbed onto the couch. At the moment
there I will not accept, Drogon you go down!
Come on you go down there! I will simply indicate to him that he must go down because it is my sofa.
Understand one thing for your dog it is important to understand that everything that is in you belongs to you, it is up to you to
control resources and decide when to access them. Eventually, when your dog is fully educated,
obedient, it doesn’t matter anymore but understands that at the beginning
of your dog goes up, you refuse you wait a few minutes, and then Doudou, come on Dragon !! Yeah…
and there you can get your dog up on the couch
than for the sofa as for the bed it is the same thing. On the other hand what will change
it’s everyone’s tastes and colors. Some dog owners are going to love having a dog on the couch and will want it in these
then apply these rules
others will absolutely not want a dog on the couch. In these cases you refuse and you do not accept that your dog
goes up there. Thanks to all this you will be able to become the leader smoothly
It is therefore the same thing at the level of the sofa at the level of the chairs at the level of the bed
it’s up to you to decide when your dog is allowed to ride or not. Are you okay with my blankie?
But yes my fat, yes my fat …

Did you know that besides, over 40% of bites in the home happen when the dog is on the couch?
Indeed the dog is on the sofa, a person wants to withdraw it at this moment the dog it comes to bite,
Why? ‘Cause it’s a raised height position and it gets in quotes
“dog property”
it is therefore important to understand that you live at home and your dog lives with you and not the other way around
Apply these rules and the same goes for the room with the bed.
The first of the rules for the bedroom is that your dog does not come in when he wants.
A simple exercise to set up is when your dog enters the room
you go forward, you can hold him by the collar and chase him away. The simple act of coming
walking towards your dog is a communication posture
important and your dog will come out.
Then if you want to have a dog to come with you in bed, don’t worry, we will apply the same rule. The pack?? Come on… You jump. Yeah, go sweetie! Hop
Your dogs can get on the couch if you ask them
And yes doudou …

it’s good!! By cons when you invite them to take down your dogs must do so: Daska, Drogon? we are going down!
The object of the game is therefore to have a smoothly calm obedient dog and become the leader.
you have seen therefore that they do not make a dog cry or get angry or hit a dog to make it obedient. It’s all based on the psychology
of your dog how it works in his head what and how to use it and then it’s up to us to adapt our behavior
it’s not up to dogs to adapt to us but it’s up to us humans to adapt to our dog to understand how he functions
and then we can have a happy dog ​​by our side
obedient and we can give him the life he deserves. Another important rule at the level of the territory is when going for a walk
there is an overriding rule
you must teach your dog not to rush to
go out first
and yes in dogs the leader comes out first, conversely, we will teach your dog a little gallantry. And now for a ride!
When I open the door I will simply ask my dogs to wait: Two possible options
go from the moment I ask them they can leave we will start again or on the contrary, I will open the door
wait, and then exit first.
Come on…
The goal of the game is therefore to have a dog that respects these rules the more you apply these rules the more your dog will become.
obedient and will respect you and above all, you will be able to offer him a good life by your side because do not forget one more thing
50% of dropouts in France, i.e. more than 50,000 each year, are related to a disability
to educate a dog. If you follow all these rules your dog
will become obedient it will not trigger many problems and you will be able to give it a good life for more than ten years to your
side. The last rule at the level of the territory is where
to put your dog’s basket?

Indeed the basket of your dog will determine what he will have the right to do or not in
this case he will become a leader or not with you. It is important that the basket is neither in the center of a room nor stuck to the sofa
conversely, it must be as far as possible
from the sofa either directly opposite next to the TV cabinet or the edge of the walls or in a corner. Why?
Well in dogs the more we are at the center of territory the more control we will have and the more we will manage the space
conversely, the further away we are, the more the dog will have less control and less space, so in particular, the more your dog will become
obedient. Your dog will have the right to go where he wants when he wants in your living room for example but when you ask him
you simply ask him to go to his basket as for the parents to ask the child to go to his room it is
the same rule. If your dog does not want to help him with his collar for example bring him to the basket and if he comes out
repeat the exercise until your dog gives in and do it gently you can help him by
rewarding when he’s at the basket but above all don’t get upset don’t yell or use force. So much for the third prerogative
of dominance at the territorial level

you have understood that this heightening for your dog is not only by seeking comfort but above all to know
the one who decides and who controls you. First of the rules do not accept that when your dog mounts on his own immediately refuse
bring him down and then invite him over for those who want a dog on the couch. Same rule for the bed for those who do not either want a dog on the sofa or on the bed which is my case, well
just don’t accept.
Thirdly, we avoid bringing dogs into the room, because the rooms are perceived as the den or highly
strategic for the leader. Fourth, teach your dog not to go out
directly as soon as you open the door whether it is the door of your home, the garden, or the residence teach him to
expect. Close the door
repeatedly several times and you will find that your dog will be gallant with you.
And lately

Place his basket neither in the center of a room nor next to the sofa nor in the middle of a passageway. Conversely, put it instead
along walls or in a corner, and when you want you to call your dog for a hug and you send him away
to the basket to make him understand that with you it is you who decides and who to lead. All this to become the leader
slowly. You have just discovered all the rules it takes to educate your dog correctly at home and become the leader
you now have everything in hand to make it
obedient to make him calm and above all to offer him a good life by your side but who am I?
to tell you all this? Well I am Vincent Marchal the canine expert and I have been an educator for seven years
canine behaviorist
why did I make this video? well because like you before I was a dog owner and it’s been seven years since I became an educator
canine behaviorist and I was able to support more than 1200 dogs and therefore 1200 clients
dog owners to find harmony at home during walks my message is to be able
to share my passion and especially to explain to you how it works in their head and how we have to adapt our behaviors
it’s a little bit like when you drive a car if you have an accident if there are problems
it is rare and never the fault of the car it is often the fault of the driver
so it’s up to us as the driver to adapt
our behaviors to our dogs. It’s not up to our dogs to change but it’s up to us to learn how they work and to adapt our behavior.
my dearest wish and that you may
share a relationship full of complicity and harmony with your dog by offering him a good life of beautiful walks and by making him
obedient. Every year, I support hundreds of dog owners to better understand their animal to love it properly and above all
to offer him what they

they need and not what we want. We must consider dogs as a dog and educate it as a
dog and not like a child
too often we tend to educate a dog as a child and give it what we
want your dog needs a home setting to understand who
decides and who leads and as you have seen you don’t need to use force violence or shouting I use positive approaches
to make a dog obedient as quickly as possible while respecting it
The positive method does not mean permissive, that is to say, that we can sanction bad behavior and also
reward the good ones. So much for this video, I invite you to like this video for your dog and for the education you are going to give him
secondly, feel free to ask all your questions in the comments
and recently subscribe to join thousands of dog owners who also have Educ-dogués
their dogs. Lately, I have prepared six free training videos for you to continue
educating your dog and knowing how to teach him the right behaviors and how we too
have the best behaviors to finally become our dog’s best friend. How are your kitties? Shall we hug ??

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