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Food traditionnel

Couscous pan

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Couscous pan

Our colorful couscous pan with vegetables and herbs is fresh, aromatic and delicious! Find out how to prepare this simple dish here!



125 g couscous
½ tsp cumin
1 tsp turmeric
½ tsp salt
250 ml broth
1 bunch of spring onions
6 cherry tomatoes
1 small broccoli
2 – 3 tbsp olive oil
1 bunch of mint
1 bunch of flat-leaf parsley


200 g yogurt
1 pinch of ground cumin
1 pinch of salt
1 dash of lemon juice

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1. Put the couscous in a bowl and mix with the spices.  Meanwhile, bring the broth to the boil and then pour it over the seasoned couscous. Stir with a fork until the broth has been absorbed. Loosen the couscous again and again with the fork and leave to cool.

2. Wash and clean the spring onions, removing the outermost skin and the root. Then cut into thin rings.

3. Wash and halve the cherry tomatoes. Cut the broccoli into thin slices. Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the vegetables for about 2 minutes. Add the couscous and stir well. Season with salt.

4. Pick the mint and parsley from the stems, roughly chop the leaves and add half of the herbs to the pan. Stir the other half into the yoghurt for the dip. Season the dip with cumin, salt and lemon juice. Divide the couscous pan between plates and serve with the herb dip. Enjoy!

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