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• 1 packet of crushed biscoito ao leite
• 2 colheres (soup) of melted butter
• 500 g of cream cheese
• 5 colheres (soup) of sugar
• 4 eggs
•200 g of chopped white chocolate
• 2 xícaras (chá) of fresh cream of milk
• 250 g of raspberry jelly butter to spread I

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Mix well in a bowl the crushed biscuits with butter. Line a round ring shape by removing it with parchment paper.

Place the massa on this greased paper. book. Beat the batedeira or cream cheese with sugar for 5 minutes. No battery stops, the eggs grow, um to um. book.

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, stir and mix the fervent fresh milk cream. Clear the mixture of cream cheese and beat until it is homogeneous.

Place this cream on the massa e leve to roast in a bain-marie in a pre-baked oven (200 oC) for 60 minutes.

Let cool, place the geléia on top and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

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