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Flan 6 eggs
3 glasses of milk (570 ml)
12 tablespoons sugar (250 gr) Candy
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon water


1.Preheat the oven to 180° and prepare the bain-marie by putting a fountain with 3 fingers of water. Candy 1.In a saucepan, put the sugar and water over high heat. Keep shaking the saucepan until the sugar is browned evenly.

As soon as the caramel is ready, remove it from the heat and distribute it among the 6 small flaneras. Flan

1. Beat the eggs by hand or with a blender.

2.Add the milk and sugar to the egg. Beat at low speed so you will avoid too many bubbles coming out of the flan.

3.Now distribute this mixture in the flaneras in which you previously put the caramel. baked

1.Cover the flaneras with foil. If you do it in the large flanera they already come with a lid.

2.Put the flaneras into the bain-marie that you already had prepared in the oven. Close the oven door and 35 minutes later your individual flans will be ready! Repose

1.Let them cool down to room temperature for about ten minutes before putting them in the fridge. The rest time in the fridge is 3 hours.

2. When you are going to eat them, remove them from the mold by passing a knife to loosen the edges. Put a plate on top and turn each flanera over.

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