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Bolo de milho with curau

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1 can of milho verde drained
2 xícaras (chá) of milk
4 eggs
2 xícaras (chá) of sugar
1 xícara (chá) of oil
1 xícara (chá) of fubá
2 and 1/2 xícaras (chá) of wheat farinha
1 colher (soup) of ferment em pó Margarine and wheat farinha to spread Cinnamon in powder Claim and coverage
2 cans of milho drained
2 xícaras (chá) of milk
1 xícara (chá) of sugar
2 colheres (soup) of butter

Preparation mode

No liquidificador, bata o milho, o leite, os ovos, o açúcar, o oleo e o fubá ate ficar homogêneo.

Transfer to a pot, add to wheat flour, or ferment and mix with a colher. Clear in a 24cm diameter form lined with parchment paper greased and light in the medium oven, pre-baked, for 30 minutes or until golden.

Remove, wait for it to fade, misinform the cut or bolus at least not feel compromising. book. Para o recheio e couverture, bata no liquidificador o milho e o leite.

I passed through a peneira and cleared in a panela. Add the sugar, butter and mild over medium heat, mixing until thickened a little. Place in a bowl and lightly à geladeira for 1 hour before assembling.

Remove, mix with a colher and divide in two parts. For assembly, place one part of the bolo on a cross, make a layer with the curau, place another part of the bolo and cover the bolo with the remaining curau.

Leve à geladeira for 2 hours. Remove, dust with cinnamon on top and serve.

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