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Cupcakes faciles

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Nombre de gros cupcakes


140 g de farine
120 g de beurre fondu
120 g de sucre
2 oeufs
3 cuillères à soupe de lait
1/2 sachet de levure
1 cuillère à café de bicarbonate
1 cuillère à café de vanille liquide

Melt the butter then add it to the sugar in a bowl. Stir well.

Add the eggs, then the flour, baking soda and baking powder. Mix everything well to avoid lumps.

Stir in the milk and vanilla. Fill the cupcake molds 3/4 full. (In the case of paper molds: the grinders in a ramekin or other to prevent them from flattening.) Bake for 20 min at 200 ° C (thermostat 6), then let cool without unmolding.

When the cupcakes are well cooled , prepare the buttercream: beat with a whisk (electric or not) for 3 to 5 min, the soft butter and the icing sugar.

Add milk + or – depending on the consistency.

The cream should not be too runny or too compact in order to have the ideal
consistency for the pastry bag.


Decorate your cupcakes with the buttercream and a pastry bag (to make it prettier): Tip, if you don’t do not have a pastry bag, take a small freezer bag of which you will have cut a little bit from one of its corners!

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