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Food traditionnel

Potato salad

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1 1/2 kg of potatoes
– Dip: 1 American glass of oil 8 minced garlic cloves
1 punctured onion Salt to taste (I put 1 dessert spoon) Pepper to taste (optional)
1 dessertspoon oregano
1 teaspoon of coloring
2 to 3 tablespoons of chopped sauce

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– Method of preparation:

Wash the potatoes well with a sponge and detergent. Put it in a large pot with water and salt and cook without letting it soften too much.

Drain the water and then transfer to a pyrex. Using the same pot, heat the oil, fry the garlic and onion, add the salt, oregano, food coloring and pepper.

Turn off and mix the sauce Spread over the potatoes and let it cool Keep in the fridge appreciate!

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