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Food traditionnel

Quiche with salmon

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Quiche with salmon

With recipe
The delicious quiche with salmon and spinach is perfect for special celebrations: with fresh salmon and fine leek, everyone will love it!



250 g flour (type 550)
1 tsp baking powder
120 g soft butter
1 tsp salt
1 egg (size M)
1 tbsp cold water
some butter for the mold
some flour for working


450 g frozen leaf spinach
1 clove of garlic
½ leek
2 tbsp sunflower oil
freshly ground pepper
some grated nutmeg
4 eggs (size M)
200 ml cream (30% fat)
150 g crème fraîche (30% fat)
1 tsp medium-hot mustard
250 g salmon fillet without skin (fresh or frozen)

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1. For the dough, mix the flour and baking powder. Knead with butter, salt, egg and water to form a smooth dough and chill.

2. For the filling, defrost the spinach, drain and squeeze well. Peel the garlic and dice finely. Wash the leek, drain, clean and cut into thin slices.

3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees top and bottom heat (fan oven: 180°C). Grease a quiche dish (Ø 26 cm). Sauté the garlic cubes and leek in a pan in oil for 1-2 minutes until translucent, mix in the spinach and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

4. Mix the eggs, cream, crème fraîche and mustard until smooth and season with salt and pepper. Cut the salmon fillet into 2-3 cm cubes. Roll out the dough on a floured work surface into a circle (approx. Ø 28 cm), press it into the quiche dish with floured hands and form a rim.

5. Spread 5 tablespoons of the cream mixture on the dough, cover with spinach, spread the salmon cubes evenly on top, press in lightly, pour the remaining cream mixture over it and bake in the preheated oven on the lowest rack for about 35 minutes.

6. Let the quiche cool slightly, remove from the tin, cut into pieces and serve with a colorful leaf salad if desired. The quiche makes about 8 large pieces. Enjoy your meal!

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