The financier is a native cake I love hazelnut butter which gives it a gourmet scent , and delicate A pure treat to taste it I leave you with the pictures!
Ingredients for this cake:
3 egg whites
80g of sugar
80g ground almonds
45g flour
40g vermicelli
100g of butter (hazelnut butter)
●To make a hazelnut butter (the complete recipe with all the steps in video on permanent story)
●for the financial cake: In a bowl pour the sugar and the almond powder, mix everything well, after adding the egg whites mix again with the Maryse, until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous paste, then pour the sifted flour mix again, then add the hazelnut butter little by little in three times, mix well between each addition, you should obtain a very homogeneous paste Finally add the vermicelli mix one last time, pour the dough into a financial mold Preheat oven to 180 degrees Bake for 20 minutes Leave to cool, garnish with milk chocolate ganache, taste
●for the milk chocolate ganache: 64g milk chocolate 32g liquid cream Pour the liquid cream into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then pour it over the milk chocolate, mix well, and it’s ready Good tasting friends Have a nice day everyone
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